Post by Demolition Lover on Apr 22, 2006 18:35:29 GMT -7
so, I've been in a couple conversations with people, and been disgusted myself at people who play war games online and think they are the real thing. These people annoy me. In my opinion, video games can teach you quite a few of these skills, but never real combat or aiming. Awareness and tactical movement can be taught by watching other people, and honing your reflexes.
Post by CAC001 on Apr 22, 2006 18:46:49 GMT -7
I think that certain video games could be used as a training tool, but it wouldn't teach you too much. Playing enough of the right games might teach you the names of weapons, improve reflex time, and possibly show some squad tactics. They won't help you with gun safety, marksmanship, true awareness, or what to do when under enemy fire. For me, battle games are mostly just for recreation, and I feel that the only way to truly hone good combat skills is to get out in the field and start playing (or go to the military ).
Post by stinger85 on Apr 30, 2006 14:52:52 GMT -7
Hey I hate to burst your bubbles but videogames do teach a lot. Sure you never actually are going to lose your best friend and cradle his head as he expells his last breath but video games such close combat, operation flashpoint, full spectrum warrior,and even Rainbow Six are all used by the military to train soldiers. Sure you never actrually fell the weight of the rifle in your hands but you dofigure ways to shoot better like prone. One of the main training tools in the I think Marines but it may be Army is a big video game similiar to time crisis. The weopon are hooked up to the computer and then the shots are registered. But videogames are still no substiture for actual face in the mud training with MILES gear